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Discipline for Learning

Discipline for Learning (D4L) is about focusing on learning. D4L gives students a chance to do the right thing and collect house points. Students take responsibility for their behaviour; it is ultimately the student who makes the choice to receive a reward or a consequence, not the teacher. D4L is about making positive choices.

– Students will be rewarded house points when they get it right
– Students will be given redirections to change their behaviour
– Consequences follow poor behaviour
– The rules apply to everyone
– The rules apply everywhere in school
– Teachers aim for a 5:1 balance of praise and redirections
– Every lesson is a chance to start again!

All students are expected to put learning first and follow our expectations. Staff will help students to make the right choices about behaviour by redirecting them. Staff will always make it very clear when a redirection is given. Any action in which a teacher gives a student a chance to get their behaviour right, is counted as a redirection.

Staff can redirect students in a number of different ways:

– Mentioning their name
– Directly talking to a student
– Moving a student

Teachers are always looking for positive behaviour and will give house points for it.

If a student chooses to not put their behaviour right after being redirected, then a consequence will follow.Our consequences:

Our Consequences

​​​​​Level 1 recorded on Edulink no further action

Level 2 whole school detention at breaktime  

Level 3 whole school detention at lunch time

 Level 4 withdrawal from lesson

D4L House points and awards

How do students earn house points?

– In lessons, by good work and effort, meeting deadlines, not disturbing other.
– Students get extra house points when they receive a D4L award
– House points are also awarded for participating in house events

All house points count towards the LHS house competition for The Abbott Shield.

Merit Awards are given for good work, effort or achievement. Teachers record these on SIMS and give students a subject postcard. A Merit Award is worth 5 house points.

Hot Choc Friday is a Headteacher’s award for outstanding students who always work hard, always try their best and go above and beyond what is expected of them. Nominations are put on SIMS by subject teachers and are worth 20 house points.

Sneak and Eat is an award for KS4 students who have worked consistently hard and produced exceptional work throughout the week. Nominations are put on SIMS by subject teachers and are worth 20 house points.

House points are awarded every lesson for positive behaviour. Teachers record house points on SIMS.

Distinction Awards are given for exceptional work or achievement. Teachers record these on SIMS and give students a subject postcard. A Distinction Award is worth 10 house points.